'I Shine, Speak Out' Safeguarding

I Shine, Speak Out is a 12 week, in-depth, trauma-informed programme designed to raise awareness and develop understanding of the different forms of abuse in an age-appropriate way. It equips children and young people with the knowledge, skills, and strategies they need to report concerns if they are worried about themselves or a friend, navigate the difficulties that stem from abuse so they can build resilience and solid foundations to thrive.  

With the help of Shiny our mascot we empower children and young people to have the confidence to use their voices to Speak Out, Be Heard and Be Safe and become Ambassadors for Change.

They will have the opportunity to express themselves through developing their own creative pieces and performances with our trained facilitators and spoken word artists, highlighting their knowledge and understanding.

The workshops will support schools and community groups in the aftermath of COVID -19, helping young people to reintegrate and reconnect during the transition period, by providing a safe outlet to express difficult emotions, trauma, and adversity many will have experienced during the pandemic.

We believe it is essential to maintain open lines of communication between teachers, pupils, and their peers.

The ‘I Shine, Speak Out’ Programme contains a variety of links to support schools with statutory and non-statutory parts of the curriculum as well as Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021.

These are:

· Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021

· Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education 2020

· Education for a Connected World – 2020 edition linking to E-Safety and PSHE

· PSHE programme of study – PSHE Association 2020/21

· English National Curriculum

· OFSTED Education Inspection Framework November 2021

Please contact rosa@survivorscanshine.org.uk if you are interested in the "I Shine, Speak Out programme"